A downloadable game

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One day, taking a walk through the countryside, you find a mysterious cave hidden among the vegetation. You decide to rest a little and eat a chorizo sandwich while you're at it. When you finish you get a little sleepy and...

THE CAVE is the MSX1 version of the first complete game I developed, from 1997, programmed in GBASIC. I don't like remakes in general, but I made this version because I felt that this was the game I wanted (with graphics and corrected) on the right platform:  MSX1

It is a game in which you must solve different puzzles and tests to achieve an ending with juicy rewards. Be brave and enter THE CAVE.

<<   C O N T R O L S  >>
Space = continues the scene

(You will need an MSX emulator to play. I personally recommend BlueMSX or OpenMSX.) 

Un día dando un paseo por el campo encuentras una misteriosa cueva oculta entre la vegetación.  Decides descansar un poco y de paso comerte un bocadillo de chorizo. Cuando acabas te quedas un poco traspuesto y...

LA GRUTA es la versión MSX1 del primer juego completo que desarrollé, de 1997, programado en GBASIC. No me gustan los remakes en general, pero hice esta version porque sentia que este era el juego que quería (con gráficos y corregida) en la plataforma adecuada:  MSX1

Es un juego en el que deberás resolver diferentes acertijos y pruebas para conseguir un final con jugosas recompensas. Sé valiente y adentrate en LA GRUTA.

<<   C O N T R O L E S  >>
Espacio = continuar la escena

(Necesitarás un emulador de MSX para jugar. Personalmente recomiendo BlueMSX o OpenMSX.)


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:



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(1 edit)

Greetings joesg,

we hope you are doing great. I am Areeba (aka Titania) from the BrewOtaku-Team, we are launching BrewOtaku #002 - The Homebrew Gaming Magazine soon.

We loved your work and we have mentioned "The Cave” in it. Kindly share your contact details so we can share it with you. You are anyhow free to share this on your social media channels or homepage.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards


Thank you, Titania, for mention my game. You are "Una Bestia Parda" of the homebrew magazines!

God bless you and give you health and happiness.

Not sure if we should pick that up as complement or now ;-) It translates really nasty :D haha. keep on makging games!